My background
I am an angiologist and aesthetic doctor.
First graduated in angiology, I gradually turned to the aesthetic part of this job: namely the treatment of spider veins and venules of the lower limbs. Passionate in everyday life by aesthetics, art, creation, I naturally also evolved in my professional life towards aesthetics: towards aesthetic medicine. I have the impression that it is the aesthetic medicine which came to me in fact !
Dr Delphine Pagès
Elegance is when the inside is as beautiful as the outside.
– Coco Chanel
My degrees :
Degree of “Docteur en Médecine, Faculté de Médecine de Clermont-Ferrand I”.
Degree of “Capacité d’Angiologie, Faculté de Médecine de Clermont-Ferrand I” : degree of Vascular Medicine.
Degree of “DIU Inter-Universitaire de Médecine Morphologique et Anti-Âge, Faculté de Médecine Paris XIII “: this degree is the only degree recognized in France by the Council of the Order of Doctors in the field of aesthetic medicine and anti-aging.
Convinced that training, expertise and the safety of acts take precedence, I passed and obtained this degree in Morphological and Anti-Aging Medicine, over a period of 2 years of training.
The goal of Morphological and Anti-Aging Medicine is not about bringing physical metamorphoses. Rather, it is to help fight as best and as naturally as possible against the signs of time, in order to obtain harmony between its outer covering and its inner feeling.
Morphological and anti-aging medicine is in fact aesthetic medicine as I practice it.
This qualifying degree has proven to be very rich, and confers both expertise for the doctor and safety for the patient.
Continuing education is also necessary, especially in aesthetic medicine. In fact, innovations go very quickly. That is why I train several times a year, in conferences or in private training.
In order to verify the authenticity and validity of the degrees : the Council of the Medical Association has set up the degrees of each doctor on its website, which you can consult here.
Are you still hesitating ?
Are you still hesitating? Asking questions is completely normal before launching! I have listed here the most frequent questions that my patients ask me. The first consultation is there to answer all your questions.